NEVAR (No Ely Valley Airport Access Road) is opposed to the construction of a new road through unspoilt countryside in the Ely Valley, from junction 34 of the M4 to Cardiff Airport.

This road has been part of the Assembly’s plans to improve access to Cardiff Airport.

Our arguments against it can be found at

Information revealed during pre-consultation into the planned major expansion of Bristol Airport includes the airport’s own transport assessment, showing that ‘the highway network can safely accommodate the increase in traffic’ that would result.

An expanded Bristol Airport would, of course, generate substantially greater traffic than Cardiff Airport does.

Access to Bristol Airport is either by a relatively tortuous urban route or along narrow country lanes.

This further demonstrates that there is no need for £140 million being spent on a new road to provide improved access to Cardiff Airport.

We say that if any investment is to be made into road construction, then alleviation of the problems experienced by people travelling east/west between Barry and Cardiff should be the priority.

This would not be achieved by a north/south route to the M4.

Michael Jones, Peterston-super-Ely, Chairman, NEVAR.