I REFER to my letter of a couple of weeks ago regarding the outrageous charges the Vale council has put on car parks over Barry Island during the winter months.

I notice it has now gained momentum from various island traders, and opposition councillors and also our local MP to start a campaign against these charges, of which the council has hit back with a rather pathetic comment saying it is irresponsible and infuriating.

So now the Vale council doesn’t like it when the people share a voice against council policy. Tough.

It’s about time these councillors got of their high horse, got off their backsides and listen to the feelings of the traders over the island instead of making stupid snide rubbish comments.

It is true that there are a high number of free parking spaces which allow a two hour free park but on a bright sunny day these soon fill up.

The council states that car parking winter charges are no different to other parts of the country.

We’re not interested in other parts of the country, we’re interested in our town.

Yes, some money has been spent on Barry Island, but that’s it. All you Vale councillors, it is about time you invested in the town and looked after the people.

As was mentioned earlier, an election is not far off and the people are very unhappy with the Vale council and nothing but a bloody nose to this Labour lot would be sufficient.

DJ Radford

Coleridge Crescent
