THE Vale of Glamorgan’s ‘dog toilet’ is now open.

Barry Island beach and surrounding walking areas that is.

Complete with lazy irresponsible dog owners who arrive here in droves with two to three and sometimes four or five animals who don’t care as long as the faeces is not in or near their homes.

The faeces is left on the main beach, on the newly renovated area, the promenade outside the Dolphin, let’s face it it’s generally just about everywhere.

Not all owners are the same though, some use the bags they have brought with them to actually pick up their dog’s little, some large, presents. Bless.

After that if you look around the Island Point walkway overlooking Jacksons Bay along to Whitmore Bay Beach you will see what appears to be low hanging fruit of some kind – don’t pick them.

It’s the aforementioned bags of dogs’ poo that the lazy owners have thrown in the trees and bushes rather than put it in the bins or take it home for disposal.

They should be photographed, named and shamed.

I am going to carry my phone always now and see what an interesting set of pictures of responsible owners I can bag, excuse the pun.

Perhaps a Facebook page with an interesting picture gallery?

Save your pictures people, you never know.

You get a grip too you councillors, the elections are next year.

Rob Turner,

Barry Island