THE Vale of Glamorgan council have struck again. Every year the council tax has gone up, is it to pay high salaries to councillors and their husbands or wives, talk about keeping it in the family? Still I don't think they have too much concern with these rises.

Now we have a service charge for black bags which were initially already paid for within the council tax charges and allegedly a further charge for the removal of larger household items such as sofas beds, etc.

Now to top all of that the recycling drops at Halfords, the old destructor depot on Court Road, Waitrose and at the Ship Inn are all closed, have you no concern for Barry folks that can only get to these places?

Why will we now be paying £117 for this police commissioner? The only police I ever see can be found at Morrisons on most days of the week, I thought perhaps the Police Station had been moved there.

We need to get this bunch of carpetbaggers out at the next local elections. This Labour crew have ruined this town since the moment they were elected. Come on Barry let's get rid of these self serving creatures.

Not content with leaving a cushy number on the VOG council would-be ex-councillors want to vie for the job of mayor too. I do use the term "job" very loosely indeed.

Rob Turner

Barry Island