WALES is just as much a nation as Scotland, so we should have the same powers to have control over our lives and communities.

However, the release of the Smith Commission about powers for Scotland shows that Wales is again being left behind.

If we had more powers here in Wales then this would improve the accountability of our politicians in Cardiff Bay as they would have no hiding place or excuse for not creating a better economy, with more well-paid jobs, and less under-employment or zero-hours contracts.

There would also be no excuse for Wales not having a proper Living Wage.

The Welsh Government would definitely have the power to prevent fracking in Wales, something of great importance in the Vale of Glamorgan and across the country.

We would also be £1.2bn better off in Wales if we had the same deal as Scotland, so we could have better investment in our schools and hospitals, rather than be forced to make cuts.

Why should Wales be treated as second class compared to Scotland?

Cllr Ian Johnson

Plaid Cymru - the Party of Wales

Gladstone Road
