CRUELTY to animals is wrong, just as cruelty to humans is wrong. Causing unnecessary suffering to animals deliberately or through neglect for whatever reason should be prevented whether in the wild, in the home or on farms. It is right that we have laws and regulations to stop cruelty and that those who break these laws are treated as criminals.

The Vale of Glamorgan council has brought together a range of expert speakers for a thought provoking seminar to be held on Thursday, October 30 from 6pm – 8pm at the Council Chamber, Civic Offices, Holton Road, Barry, CF63 4RU. Fairtrade refreshments will be available from 5.45pm.

Attendees will have the opportunity to discuss the recently adopted “Vale of Glamorgan Animal Welfare Policy” but the main purpose of the seminar will be to:

“Raise awareness of the appalling consequences of animal cruelty and how we can work together to help stop these shocking crimes.

From fly grazing, on farm welfare, badger baiting to the illegal trade of endangered species, animal welfare affects us all. “

The speakers are:

Police – Mark Goulding, Wildlife Crime Officer

RSPCA – Martyn Hubbard, Superintendent

Christina Roberts-Kinsey - Principal Trading Standards Officer

Please join us and hear what we can do as individuals and communities to stop animal cruelty in all its forms. To register to attend just e-mail or Tel: 01446 709853

Councillor Rob Curtis

Cabinet member for the environment and visible services