COUNCILLOR Curtis’s letter, (Barry & District News, March 14) gives emphasis to ‘Attacks by political adversaries’ or ‘political enemies’ and fails to recognise how much he has upset local parents and children.

He is the elected councillor and should be more accountable to the people he represents - not just bury his head in the sand when the community needs his support the most.

In his letter he declared that ‘he would not deceive parents and school staff’. Unfortunately, by not turning up to the school meeting and showing his face the Gibbonsdown councillor showed a lack of respect and deceit, especially when the head teacher and chair of governors turned up, who were also told they could not speak on the issue.

It is naive of him to think he could turn his afterthought into a personal political battle, trying to dampen the mood with political jargon. The parents and all concerned put a lot of effort and time into saving Oak Field School and nothing should be taken away from their hard work and commitment.

Cllr Curtis should take more notice of the community he gets paid to represent, all I tend to see is bird boxes being placed in Dyfan Ward and litter being picked up in Baruc Ward - great for those wards but, what about Gibbonsdown Ward?

Jeffrey Heathfield Via email