I READ with interest the article headed 'Barry and Vale Schools face uncertain future' (Barry & District News, February 7).

Earmarking Oak Field for closure is a blow below the belt and all the staff, parents and children have an uncomfortable wait until the council meeting on March 4.

How can the Vale Council possibly think about shutting schools while building extra houses in the area? It just doesn't make sense. This school is an important part of the community and with extra houses being built on White Farm, and being in a built up area, it only makes sense to keep Oak Field School open.

At present there is a Labour led Vale Council and two Labour councillors in the Gibbonsdown ward. Will these councillors fight for their community or toe the party line? Touching this school would be letting down the people of the Gibbonsdown community who put them there. If this did go ahead the Labour Council should hang their heads in shame.

Jeffrey Heathfield Treharne Road FocusBARRY supporter