KIDDIEWINKLES Playgroup of Crossway and Bethel would like to invite parents, staff and friends of both playgroups (past, present and future) to a fundraising evening at Market Street Social Club, Barry on Saturday, December 1. Tickets are on sale now at £3 each which includes a strip of raffle tickets, party food and DJ. We are hoping to raise funds to help us provide the children at our new playgroup at Bethel Baptist Church with much needed supplies and equipment and to replenish art and craft supplies and a new storage unit at our Crossway group. Both groups care for children within our community aged between two and five years of age and give them a wonderful stepping stone into more formal education.

Tickets can be purchased directly from Market Street Social Club and from either playgroup (based at Crossway Methodist Church Hall or Bethel Baptist Church, between 9am-12pm, Monday to Friday). You can find out more about us by checking out our website at or calling into the groups one morning.

If you feel you can help support us in any way - we would love to hear from you.

We look forward to seeing lots of friendly faces on the night.

Jayne Eldridge Manager Kiddiewinkles Playgroup