BARRY Town Council determined that it will levy the Vale Council with a council tax precept amounting to a decrease of two pence a week.

Councillors agreed the “stand-still” precept, per household, after discussing BTC’s draft budget for 2017/18 at its full council meeting on Monday, February 6.

The precept remains at £988.383, which results in the cost to a Band D household decreasing to £50.08 per year, a decrease of 2.4 per cent compared with the £51.29 paid in 2016/17.

Plaid opposition councillor, Ian Johnson said: “This is a stand-still precept. The decrease in Barry would be 2p per house per week.

“If you want to make a cheap stand before and election that’s up to you.”

Labour, Barry Town Council leader, cllr Emma Pritchard said: “We are not asking people to go into their pockets when people in Barry are struggling to put food on the table.”

South Wales Police last week announced that residents living in a Band D household would be subject to a five per cent increase in the police precept for the forthcoming financial year.

The rise equates to an extra £10.39 per year or 20p a week.

The Vale council will set the council tax rate at a forthcoming meeting of its full council.