VALE People First has received a substantial grant from the Lloyds Bank Foundation which will allow them to continue to help disabled young people live on their own.

The £60,000 grant, delivered over three years, will fund the salary of a Moving on Well transitions worker and coordinator, meaning more disabled young people will get the support they need.

The service will help people access suitable accommodation, guidance with finance and personal budgets, and awareness on support available from social services and rights to housing benefits plus they will support parents and carers.

Liz Davidson, coordinator, Vale People First said: “Vale People First is delighted to receive a three year grant for our Moving on Well project from Lloyds Bank Foundation. With this, we will employ a project officer and coordinator to support people with learning disabilities living at home with their parents, to move into independent living of their choice. We have already helped a number of people going through this process with great success and thanks to Lloyds Bank Foundation; we will be able to support many more people to become independent by providing a more formalised service.

"The project will also assist parents that are going through the journey with their sons and daughters to feel more confident and assured throughout the process giving them the relevant information needed - which has been lacking for a lot of parents during these times.’’

The grant is one of nine awarded across Wales which is part of the Foundation's three annual grant rounds.

Made through the Foundation's invest programme, it supports small and medium-sized charities tackling disadvantage cover organisational and programme delivery costs.

Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales is the largest corporate foundation in the UK and an independent charity funded by Lloyds Banking Group as part of the Helping Britain Prosper Plan.