A CARE assistant at a Barry residential home has reached her own century - by sending 100 boxes of goodies to British troops on the front line!

65-year-old Paula Champ, with the help of her co-workers and residents of Barry’s Orchard House residential home, has managed to send boxes full of useful and luxury items to the troops in Afghanistan.

Paula said: "I started sending boxes to my grandson who went out to Iraq when he was 18.

"We were all so worried about him. Then it came to Christmas and I thought that perhaps some of the other troops would like to have a box sent to them "We started collecting and residents and the staff were all contributing. The residents’ families started bringing things in with them too.

"Everyone, from the manager to the oldest residents, has been very supportive."

Thank you letters from the troops now stand proudly in Orchard House’s reception. "We will carry on filling the boxes – I think I have done two more since we did the 100th," added Paula.

"The troops love noodles, cup-a-soups, and tins of pilchards and sardines.

"We send them cards and boiled sweets, all sorts, and we end with a letter from all of us at Orchard House.

"They are all heroes and we are very proud of them."

If you would like to donate useful items such as toiletries or food to the troops, drop them to Orchard House reception area or contact Bette Sim on 01446 4000621.

A thank-you letter sent to Paula Champ: Dear all at Orchard House, Thank you for all of the goods, donations and support you have given to the guys and girls serving in Afghanistan.

We greatly appreciate the fact that you are thinking of us and that your thoughts and wishes are with every soldier.

The stresses and strains we have with this work has an impact on us, but with the support we get from people like yourselves, we can get though this with a bit more ease.

The boxes increase morale for all of us.

With our greatest thanks, from every soldier in Afghanistan.

PTE Behan