I AM writing in response to your article of April 11 concerning The Knap pool being left to rack and ruin. I feel that the lack of a decision being made as to the future use of this pool, or the surrounding land of the pool, has been left for far too long.

Having lived in Barry for the whole of my life and having used the pool throughout my childhood days it is such a shame that this once vibrant and active leisure facility has been left to crumble and become an area not fit to be used by anyone.

There are continuing articles in the papers concerning the fact that children have nowhere to go, that there are no facilities for them to use, and the youngsters of Barry have to hang around street corners, or gather in groups in local parks, which to some residents is not acceptable.

This lack of facilities then leads some children/youths to vandalism, which is costly to repair. The local community has to pay the bill for repairs needed on revamping Barry, when the money could be spent on a much needed public facility which would give young people somewhere to go.

Surely this issue needs to be sorted out now. It has gone on for too long and a decision, whatever that may be, needs to be made.

D R Pritchard (Mrs), Taxpayer of Barry.