SPOTLIGHT Drama have been staging shows in Barry for more than ten years now.

The most recent production being The Hunchback Panto of Notre Dame, in January.

To get the new year off to a great start, Spotlight are now on the web! Visit the site at:

The site has pictures of the last production, history of the group and you can even leave comments and tell us what you think about our shows.

In a recent letter to the News, Mrs C Harford, from Mountain Ash, praised the "enthusiasm and professionalism" of The Hunchback.

It's people like Mrs Harford who make the months and months of hard rehearsals so worthwhile.

It gives me so much pleasure to know that people appreciate all of our hard work.

I hope Mrs Harford comes to see our summer musical, Rockasocka, in June. Thank you.

Richard Patch North Walk Barry