BARRY Town Council have announced that burial interment fees for children and young people in local authority run cemeteries have been abolished with immediate effect.

The policy will apply to those under the age of 18 who are to be buried in either Merthyr Dyfan Cemetery in Barry, or Porthkerry Cemetery, which is run on behalf of the Vale of Glamorgan Council.

The decision follows a recent debate in Westminster, in which similar proposals were rejected. The Welsh Government however has stated it will be supporting the campaign.

Barry Town Council confirmed the decision in a recent finance, policy & general purposes committee meeting, that there will be no charge for an interment of a child or young person under the age of 18 years.

The only cost from the council in respect of such burials will be the exclusive right of burial, which is the deed of ownership for the burial plot.

Any further information on the decision or other council matters, can be obtained by contacting deputy chief officer Angie Norman on 01446 704923 or at