CADOXTON primary school has taken part for the second time in an award-winning project that builds positive relationships between schools, families and local communities to ensure children thrive at school.

The school celebrated the graduation of 16 families who took part in Save the Children’s Families and Schools Together programme (FAST).

The eight week programme is voluntary and available to all families with young children. It encourages mums, dads and children to perform everyday tasks together such as sharing a family meal, playing games and spending one on one time with each other.

As well as taking part in group activities, families have also been introduced to other mums and dads in their communities.

Children and parents at the school celebrated with a ceremony and a party. The graduation event was a chance for all involved to congratulate each other on their hard work.

Head Teacher, Janet Hayward, joined families and staff to celebrate the graduation ceremony. She said: “It’s fantastic to see our second cohort of families graduate with the support of FAST.

"We know that families who engage with the school community in this way are really able to support their children’s learning.

"We owe a huge thank you to the school staff and parents who have worked with such passion and determination to make this happen. I feel honoured to work with such a dedicated school community and am very grateful to them all”.

For further information about the Families and Schools Together project