HOPES of a saving a closure-threatened Barry post office have been dashed after the retailer targeted as a potential host questioned the ideas current viability.

Supermarket giant Tesco has indicated space is one issue within the flow of its Barry Highlight Park superstore – after residents backed a campaign to save the estate branch due to close at its adjoining LloydsPharmacy site at the end of December.

The battle to retain the vital community-facility is set to continue in Westminster with Vale MP Alun Cairns hoping to meet with the supermarket chain bosses to further the argument for re-locating the Highlight Park post office branch within the supermarket store.

Tesco confirmed a meeting request had been made and it was happy to meet with both the MP and the AM, but doubted it could accommodate the saviour request.

A Tesco spokesman said: “Regretfully, at this current time it’s not something we are able to do.”

The Post Office is keen for a Highlight Park retailer to take the branch on to continue serving the public and has appealed for a business to take it on.

Stephen Tinsley, 55, of Barry, said: “Tesco should find some space. It’s a local service and there are a lot of pensioners that come up here to do their pension. The post office allows them to do this. It’s important the post office remains. You can’t expect people to get in their cars or on buses and go down town. Tesco are a large outfit. They make a lot of money. If they do something for the community people will use them.”

Howard Jukes, 50, said a facility in Tesco would show community spirit and entice him in while Judy Evans, 54, of Park Crescent, Barry, said Tesco should consider housing a branch.

She said: “There won’t be a post office here and it’s a very big estate. I think people need it. There are enough people around. They do all the other things like loans and insurance.”

She added: “It is part of the community and older people get their pensions.”

Vale MP Alun Cairns had previously met with Lloyds Pharmacy and the Post Office and secured an extension to the closure period up to the end of 2014.

Mr Cairns wrote to the Tesco chief executive, Dave Lewis to inform him of the position in Highlight Park.

Mr Cairns said: “I am very grateful to Tesco for looking at the viability of the post office in the Highlight Park superstore. I am aware that the store has limitations on space, but I will meet with them in Westminster to explain the opportunity and demonstrate the strength of local feeling.

“The post office is an essential service, in particular during the run up to Christmas. I will remain in dialogue with all stakeholders with an interest in the saving postal offices in Barry.”

To support the campaign to retain the Highlight Park post office by transferring it to Barry’s main Tesco store, write a letter to Tesco chief executive Dave Lewis c/o Vale MP Alun Cairns.

Drop in, or send letters to: Alun Cairns MP, Vale of Glamorgan Constituency Office

29 High Street, Barry, CF62 7EB.

Alternatively, email alun.cairns.mp@parliament.uk