TESCO on Stirling Road is showing its PACT Award off with pride after erecting a winner's plaque.

Awards were handed out in September to business members and individuals that have made a significant contribution to the PACT scheme since it was launched last year.

PACT enables local businesses and other agencies to share information about known troublemakers and shoplifters and issue banning notices.

If a persistent troublemaker gets banned from one premises, he or she will be automatically banned from the others.

A live radio link between shops and with the CCTV unit provides up-to-the-minute information about suspected shoplifters and their movements.

Since its creation the scheme has grown from strength to strength and has been attracting more and more new businesses as the radio signal has grown.

It now covers the whole of Barry town.

Tesco store manager Mark Allcott said: "It's really important for us to be part of the local community and supporting it.

"PACT is a way of us doing that. and to be committed to the safety of the town centre through the radio link.

"Together we can be a srong force against vandals, shoplifters and crime in the area."

New members for PACT are always welcome.

If you are interested in joining or would like information about the scheme, please contact PCSO Rhiannon Harris on 07970 736885 or Dave Sharpe on 01446 447434.