A SCHOOL RUN is being adversely affected by the new 20mph speed limit.

At a town council meeting in Penarth on September 21, the youth forum revealed school runs, particularly for St Cyres and Stanwell schools, were being affected.

The forum said they had received concerns from parents saying they were having to get their kids up a whole 10 minutes earlier than the old days of the 30mph speed limit (let's be honest, a monumental time in the fight to get kids to school).

Some residents of the Vale have reacted with incredulity at the new speed limits imposed on the county’s roads – but which roads – after the Welsh Government revealed it could be a year before all the changes for the new limit are in place and an “educational” approach was being used to enforce it.

Watch the video below as motorists "cruise" in Barry at 20mph

Councillor Mark Wilson was on hand to help with the definition of exactly where the 20mph limit applies, explaining: “The default speed is now 20mph, but there are some exemptions. In areas where there are no houses on both sides, or roads that are used by a mix of users including cars and cyclists.”

Despite the helpful explainer, there is a lot of anger out there about the new limits, with one resident of the Vale saying: “It's stupid to be honest. My car really can't cope. It's trying to change gear all the time.”

Another said: “There should have been a public vote. I agree 20 around schools, but it's ridiculous, and it's causing more emissions.”

A Welsh Government petition titled “We want the Welsh Government to rescind and remove the disastrous 20mph law” has reached almost 400,000 signatures – it needs just 60,000 to be considered for debate.

Barry And District News: Parents say the new 20mph speed limit is affecting the school run by as much as 10 minutesParents say the new 20mph speed limit is affecting the school run by as much as 10 minutes (Image: Google Maps)

Barry And District News: Motorists drive up Windsor Road at the new 20mphMotorists drive up Windsor Road at the new 20mph (Image: Newsquest)

All this anger was addressed by the council.

Councillor Richard Cox, representative of the Stanwell Ward, said the rollout of the 20mph speed limit was something to be questioned.

“Ten minutes (of the school run) might not be a lot, but multiply that by the amount of people affected then you see the effect it has.

“The 20mph speed limit is not wrong, but the way we have done it, is.”

Cllr Wilson, also representative of the Stanwell Ward, said, despite all the objections, the 20mph speed limit had been installed for a very good reason.

“People need to be patient with it and once they get used to it the way they got used to seatbelts it will become automatic.

“The 20mph speed limit means hopefully we will no longer have serious accidents.”

How are you finding the new 20mph speed limit? Let us know in comments, on our Facebook page, or email harry.jamshidian@newsquest.co.uk.