WOW, what an amazing statement by the Vale of Glamorgan Council regarding their frustration at the delays with the Barry Island funfair initiative.

The usually confidential negotiations with proposed developers have exploded into the public domain with a statement of annoyance from the council.

The strength of the council’s frustration is quite clear within their words; negotiations with the developer appear to have ‘reached an impasse’; site owners have made it clear they will not allow the site to be used ‘until they obtain planning permission’; ‘held to ransom by the site owners’, and ‘extremely frustrating’.

FocusBARRY have arranged with Mr Danter, the well-known funfair operator, to tell the Barry community about his ambitions for the site at their next meeting on March 4, but planning permission to build 25 units of accommodation appear to be a precondition of allowing Mr Danter to proceed.

He wants to be on-site for Easter; the council are supportive of that ambition, as are the majority of people commenting on social media, so it will be extremely disappointing to many if these plans are thwarted by a planning application which is not connected to the funfair development.

Dennis Harkus

FocusBARRY supporter