THE leader of the Vale Council might be referred to as many things, but now you can add one more to the list; 'wing-walker'.

In an extraordinary effort for charity, councillor Lis Burnett performed a wing-walk for mental health support.

An incredible video shows the leader stood on the wings of a Biplane Steerman run by world renowned wing-walking and aerobatic company ‘AeroSuperBatics’.

Cllr Burnett did the wing-walk on April 3 over AeroSuperBatics’ base in Cirencester.

The Labour leader of the council posted a cheeky comment on Facebook on April 4 after the experience, saying: “Proof that chubby, mature women can still rock it!"

Cllr Burnett has raised over £2,900 so far for mental health charity Big Moose.

She said the amount will make a huge difference to the charity’s work and paid a massive thanks to all who supported her.

Barry And District News: Vale Council leader Lis Burnett, wing-walking...Vale Council leader Lis Burnett, wing-walking... (Image: Lis Burnett/ AeroSuperBatics)

On the reasons for doing the outrageous wing-walk, Ms Burnett said: "So many people have experienced mental health challenges and far too many die by suicide.

“For those left behind that loss is devastating. Mental health support is hugely difficult to access for so many.

“That's why the work of Big Moose is so important.

“It's an amazing Welsh charity that helps people with their mental health and works to prevent suicide and reduce homelessness.

“Having spoken to people they have helped I know how phenomenal they are."

To support Cllr Burnett’s efforts in raising money for Big Moose, go to her JustGiving page, clicking here.