GARDENING gurus from a Barry allotment association have given a green makeover to a hostel that offered them an all-weather sanctuary.

Members of the Old Pencoedtre Allotments Association, together with volunteers, armed themselves with shrubs, flowers, fruit and vegetable plants and invaded the Ty Iolo hostel site to thank the occupants for giving them a warm, dry place to meet.

The allotment holders faced a setback at the start of 2012 when their property was vandalised and animals attacked.

Association chairman Brian Hamonda said they had all been grateful for the help and support received from the community after the incident, and felt they wanted to do something to say thank you.

"Holding our meetings in a warm and dry environment is allowing us to plan and work together to seek the help and support we so desperately need to make the allotment site secure," he explained.

"When the hostel allowed us to use their premises for our meetings, and seeing the garden needed attention, it seemed the right thing to do."

Association member Lee said: "The hostel had made a start but the garden was in need of some serious planting, so we pulled together.

"All the plants and seeds were donated by the plot holders - what a difference some spare plants and a little of our time has made!"

Fellow member Tasha added: "It's nice to do something for others. I enjoyed planting the strawberries and raspberries for the children to pick and enjoy."

A Ty Iolo resident called it 'a lovely deed that would make a difference to all who are currently housed in the hostel'.

Hostel co-ordinator Amos Geary added: "We're hoping to use any produce we grow for cookery sessions."

Before and after photos can be viewed on the group's Facebook page - Old Pencoedtre Allotment. To help the allotment with equipment or to get in touch, email