BARRY'S Memorial Hall Theatre will play host to a night of jolly good old-fashioned fun this summer and all in the name of the Jamie Adamson Memorial Fund.

A 1940s war-themed dinner dance will take place at the Memo on July 14 at 7pm, with all proceeds going towards the Jamie Adamson Memorial Fund.

The charity was set up last year by Paul and Nicola Adamson, in memory of their son Jamie, who died of leaukaemia at the age of five.

From March to December last year, the fund raised an amazing £40,000 of that £15,000 was donated to Latch and £15,000 to Children with Leukaemia.

The remainder forms the basis of this year's fundraising, the target of which is a static caravan in West Wales, for the use of childhood cancer sufferers and their families.

Money raised at the 1940s-themed spectacular in July will all add up for the Fund.

The night's entertainment includes Big Band Swingshift' playing Glen Miller, blues and swing.

There will also be performances from dance troup Hoppin Mad' dancers, jiving and jitterbugging in 1940s costume.

And there'll be authentic WWII vehicles, and the appearance of service personnel from the Welsh Guards, Royal Navy and RAF.

A modern disco will follow and revellers can dress in 1940s gear, or black tie, or smart casual.

Tickets can be purchased by ringing 01446 411646, so come on Your Charity Needs You!