AS SOMEONE who has been campaigning for better mental health services for more than three years, I resent John Evans's remarks in last week's issue about the needs of service users.

Hospital treatment is, and always has been, an essential part of treatment as it provides the basis of a secure environment that is essential to therapeutic treatment.

Is Mr Evans a qualified surveyor? If not, he should not have previously made comments such as: "Sully Hospital is unfit for human habitation", especially when it has served people in this capacity for more than 20 years.

Currently, there is a drastic bed shortage and building a new hospital would cost anywhere between £40m and £100m, whereas Sully could be refurbished for a fraction of the lower figure.

As for mentally-ill patients, there haven't been any hospital beds available in Wales for months. Perhaps Mr Evans would be better employed speaking about that particular crisis. While I'm waiting, I will continue to argue for common sense to prevail on the Sully site.

Robin Williams, Sully Health Facility Campaign and Mental Health User Group, Gwyn James Court, Sundew Close, Penarth