IT worries me that so many people seem to identify support for our troops with support for war.

A little reflection will show that the two are definitely not the same thing.

We can support the troops whilst opposing the war.

Supporting the troops means saying that we recognise and applaud them for their bravery and professionalism.

Opposing the war means saying we do not approve sending our troops to attack another sovereign nation, unless there is world sanction for that action through an explicit United Nations mandate.

The difference between the two supports is staring us in the face.

Indeed, the best support we can give our troops is to call them away from the needless danger that our misguided Prime Minister has placed them in.

Withdrawal from the war would stop Britain losing credibility in the world and would go a long way towards reversing the terrorist threat to all Britons, which did not exist before Tony Blair dragged this country into fighting George Bush's personal war.

Marc Delaney Vincent Close Barry