A Dinas Powys mother has called on more people to give blood - after her son's life was saved by a donor.

Rebecca Davies from Dinas Powys is sharing her story of how blood donations made a significant impact on her family as part of National Blood Donor Week (June 10-16, 2024).

Mrs Davies, a mother of three, remembers the tense period when her unborn son, Nate had to receive an urgent blood transfusion to save his life due to complications arising from differing blood types.

She and husband, Geraint, discovered this news during a regular checkup.

At a gestation period of 28 weeks, Nate had to have a transfusion.

Following his premature birth a month later, he was required to undergo another blood transfusion at just one day old in the neonatal intensive care unit at the University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff.

Mrs Davies said: "Without these blood transfusions, Nate would not be here with us today.

"To put it simply, we are a family of five, not four, thanks to the generosity of blood donors.

"That simple act of kindness has given us the chance to be a family we always dreamed of and for Nate to live a long and happy life.

"To whoever the donors are that Nate received the blood from, we cannot thank you enough."

She added: "I would always encourage those who are eligible to donate blood to do so.

"You’re not only helping the person who receives the donation, but all their loved ones too.

"We are all so grateful."

Now, seven years on, Nate is a healthy, active child with no lasting effects.

Alan Prosser, Welsh Blood Service director, said: "Every day, around 350 donations are needed to help the patients in hospitals across Wales, including the University Hospital of Wales, where Nate received his transfusions.

"By giving up just one hour of your time, you have a unique opportunity to support patients like Nate who rely on transfusions to survive."

To take part in this lifesaving act, visit the Welsh Blood website or call 0800 252 266.