A HOLLYWOOD film star used a Penarth boxing gym to train for his forthcoming movie.

Excitement was at fever pitch in Barry when Shia Lebeouf (Transformers, Indianna Jones) and Michael Socha (This Is England) were spotted filming in and around a tattoo parlour on Holton Road last week, however Penarth didn’t miss out on the glitz and glam of lights, camera, action!

In fact, Penarth was very much part of the production after gritty boxing flick Salvable was filmed in the area.

Scenes were filmed on Penarth Pier, however, a sporting institution of the town was a more integral part of filming.

Penarth ABC boxing gym on Station Road, was the place where star of the film Toby Kebbell (Rock’n’Rolla) honed his boxing skills with the help of legendary trainer Neil Munn.

In Salvable, Kebbell plays washed up boxer Sal ‘The Bull’ trying for one last chance at glory in illegal boxing.

To add to the authenticity of the performance Kebbell went to train at an authentic boxing gym and nothing is more authentic than the honest surroundings of Penarth’s ABC.

Kebbell trained with Mr Munn for four weeks, three days a week, an hour or so a day, before filming.

Barry And District News: Kebbell (pink shirt) was trained by legendary ABC boxing trainer Neil Munn (centre)Kebbell (pink shirt) was trained by legendary ABC boxing trainer Neil Munn (centre) (Image: Neil Munn)

Barry And District News: Neil Munn 60 has been with the ABC since he was seven!Neil Munn 60 has been with the ABC since he was seven! (Image: Neil Munn)

Barry And District News: Hollywood star Shia Lebeouf (left) was also filming in PenarthHollywood star Shia Lebeouf (left) was also filming in Penarth (Image: Robert Katchi)

Contrary to popular misconception, former Boxing World Champion Carl Froch DIDN’T train Kebbell at the ABC.

It was Mr Munn who taught Kebbell the boxing moves, but Froch was at the gym filming scenes for the movie.

Another person filmed was Mr Munn himself, who the production crew took a few shots of jeering up the fighters before their bouts.

Mr Munn said filming took place over four days, but ABC’s loyal boxers and gym goer’s training sessions weren’t interrupted.

Mr Munn, a man with the air of someone who keeps his feet firmly on the ground no matter which celebrities are in the ABC, allowed the film crew to use the gym, but emphasised ABC comes first.

It still didn’t stop the production team making the place their own while filming – within the four days crews turned a whole section of the gym into a fully working office and they even rented out a house across the street for a week as a ‘green room’ for the cast and crew to relax.

Barry And District News: Kebbell plays washed up boxer 'Sal' in his new filmKebbell plays washed up boxer 'Sal' in his new film (Image: Neil Munn)

Barry And District News: Ex world champion boxer Carl Froch was also at the gym but it was Mr Munn (pictured) who trained KebbellEx world champion boxer Carl Froch was also at the gym but it was Mr Munn (pictured) who trained Kebbell (Image: Neil Munn)

Barry And District News: Filming on Penarth PierFilming on Penarth Pier (Image: Robert Katchi)

Mr Munn said he really enjoyed the experience and was surprised by Kebbell’s talent in the ring.

“Toby boxed as a kid, but he still needed a bit of work,” said Mr Munn, “but he was in really good shape.”

Kebbell enjoyed the experience at ABC so much that he continued training after filming.

Based in New York, Kebbell brought his family over and rented a house in Dinas Powys for four weeks.

Mr Munn, who enjoyed a few meals with Kebbell as well, said he was a really nice guy.

Barry And District News: Mr Munn was given a signed photo as a gift for letting the production team use the gymMr Munn was given a signed photo as a gift for letting the production team use the gym (Image: Neil Munn)

Watch the video below of filming of 'Salvable' at Penarth Pier

Shia Lebeouf’s latest film ‘Salvable’ is filmed in Barry

There were great photos of filming on Holton Road in Barry, supplied by a local tattoo artist, for Shia Lebeouf’s latest film Salvable.

In fact, that tattoo artist in question became a part of the production.

Barry And District News: Filming also took place at tattoo parlour Tattoo Rana in Barry with 'This is England's' Michael SochaFilming also took place at tattoo parlour Tattoo Rana in Barry with 'This is England's' Michael Socha (Image: Bianca Oliveira)

Barry And District News: The film crew descended on the tattoo parlour on Richard StreetThe film crew descended on the tattoo parlour on Richard Street (Image: Bianca Oliveira)

When Bianca Oliveria heard about filming she went to take a look and jokingly shouted out if any of the cast or crew want a free tattoo come to her tattoo parlour.

Well… crew members held her to her promise and when they went along they noticed a handy lane next to the building that was perfect for filming a scene of the shoot.