Tŷ Hafan nurses shared their delight at working for the charity to mark International Nurses Day on Sunday, May 12.

The day recognises and celebrates the importance of nurses and nursing across the globe.

"Our Nurses. Our Future" is the theme for the 2024 edition of the international event.

"Tŷ Hafan Children’s Hospice cares for children with very complex nursing needs so having a strong and growing nursing team is fundamental to our work," said Sian Middleton, director of nursing and clinical services at Tŷ Hafan.

"Tŷ Hafan nurses are totally dedicated to providing the best possible care and support to those children and their families who find themselves needing palliative care."

She also disclosed that the Welsh charity only reaches one in ten children who desperately need its palliative care services.

The magnitude of the issue necessitates a competent, committed nursing team, and she encouraged paediatric nurses interested in the work to reach out.

Emma Williams, a deputy lead nurse at Tŷ Hafan for two years, expressed her satisfaction with her role.

"I feel fulfilled in my role," she said.

"I feel I’m making an impact each shift.

"At Tŷ Hafan you are valued for your expertise and knowledge, and your opinions are valued especially when it’s for the benefit of the children," she noted.

Offering a personal testimony of the charity's supportive nature, Katrina Morris, a registered nurse, said: "It’s thanks to Tŷ Hafan that I was able to study for my nursing degree."

Having worked as a health care support worker for the charity while qualifying as a nurse, Ms Morris plans to stay beyond her contracted three years with Tŷ Hafan.

Endorsing a nursing career at the hospice, she echoed: "To anyone considering a nursing career here, whatever stage you are at in your own care journey, I would say to them: ‘Do it!’".