A BUSINESS in the centre of Barry was fined for burning large amounts of food and packaging waste on a number of occasions.

Vale Council enforcement officers have issued a fix penalty notice on the business which they said they could not identify.

Vale Council’s enforcement team posted on X, formally Twitter, on May 7: “A Barry town centre business has been issued with a £400 fixed penalty notice after being caught burning large amounts of controlled waste.

“Such behaviour is illegal and can seriously damage our environment and can be harmful to both animal and human health.”

The news of the FPN came a day before there was a huge emergency response to a fire on Holton Road above the old Burtons shop.

On that occasion, South Wales Fire and Rescue service sent six fire engines to tackle the blaze which started in the early hours of May 8.

Barry And District News: Crews tackled a fire on Holton Rd on May 8Crews tackled a fire on Holton Rd on May 8 (Image: Newsquest)

Barry And District News: The fire occurred above the old Burtons store n the early hours of the morningThe fire occurred above the old Burtons store n the early hours of the morning (Image: Newsquest)

On the enforcement for the business burning food and packaging waste, a council spokesperson gave more information about the punishment administered.

They said: “A fixed penalty notice has been issued to a Barry business caught burning large amounts of food and packaging waste on a number of occasions.

“The offences were witness by both off duty Vale Council officers and by Waste Crime Unit (WCU) officers. 

“Despite being warned to cease burning their waste, the business continued to do so and were PACE interviewed by WCU officers May 7. 

“The offence was admitted and a fixed penalty notice for £300 was issued, pursuant to S.33(1)(c) Environmental Protection Act 1990. 

“In addition to the fixed penalty notice, the business has been required to produce evidence that they have arrangements in place to dispose of their waste lawfully. 

“If this is not produced within seven days, the conditional offer of a Fixed Penalty for the burning may be withdrawn and the business could face criminal prosecution for both offences.”

Vale Council’s Cllr Mark Wilson reiterated the council’s determination to catch criminal actions like this.

He added: “We are resolute in our commitment to catching fly-tippers and those who dispose of their waste illegally and at the expense of our environment.

“By holding offenders accountable and enforcing strict penalties, we send a clear message: illegal waste disposal will not be tolerated.

“The collaborative effort between the public and our enforcement services means we can safeguard the beauty of our surroundings and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.”

Got a story in Barry? Email harry.jamshidian@newsquest.co.uk.