There will be a range of things that can be seen in the sky across May.

Here's how you can spot them according to Barry Astronomical Society.

Spring is an opportune time to try to locate constellations including Virgo, home to a number of galaxies visible through a good telescope.

The Virgo-Coma cluster hosts 1,000/2,000 galaxies, including 16 bright ones spotted by French astronomer Charles Messier.

While they might be elusive in light-polluted skies, stargazers can divert their attention to the constellation above Virgo, Coma Berenices.

Armed with binoculars, enthusiasts can target M 53, a massive globular cluster lying approximately 60,000 light-years from Earth.

The stargazers' next checkpoint is M3, another globular cluster, set in the modest constellation above Coma known as Canes Venatici.

For the moon viewing schedule, the last quarter is on the 1st, it's new on the 8th, first quarter on the 15th, full on the 23rd and last quarter again on 30th.

From the 18th to the 20th, the moon will be in Virgo and very bright, making it unsuitable for faint deep sky observation.

Remember to optimally focus binoculars using the central wheel for a clearer and sharper view.

Sadly, May is not an ideal time for planet watching.