TO knock down or not to knock down, that is the question?

The bedraggled Colcot Sports Centre was called in to scrutiny on April 2 with committee members voting in favour of recommendations to knock down the site and look at building new sports facilities across the road on the Buttrills sports field.

This is despite local residents arguing the Colcot Sports Centre should be refurbished and reused.

Dave Knevett, operational manager for neighbourhood services, explained the context of the meeting.

He said: “It is important to emphasize the proposals within this cabinet report are focused on improving the opportunities for increased levels of physical activity by providing quality recreational facilities that are currently lacking.”

With that, Mr Knevett explained the council’s current view on the Colcot Centre, describing the building as “beyond its life expectancy”.

Mr Knevett emphasised the council’s first thoughts were to refurbish the Colcot Centre, however, following consultation with the property section and looking at future needs combined with issues on the present site, the report was of the opinion to rinse Barry of Colcot Sports Centre and repeat in a new location – aka the Buttrills.

Barry And District News: It was deemed short-terminism to refurbish the old Colcot Sports CentreIt was deemed short-terminism to refurbish the old Colcot Sports Centre (Image: Newsquest)

Why get rid of Barry's Colcot Sports Centre?

The council report argued the current building’s "non-adaptability in terms of current regulations", issues with parking, the housing crisis in the Vale coupled with demand for housing round Colcot.

There’s also the issue of money, and the opportunity for Vale Council to get their hands on £500,000 of funding from the FAW Trust

Mr Knevett went on to say the proposed new facilities will include the development of a new playground, BMX ‘pump’ track, and multiuse games area – all for public use.

Councillor Gywn John, cabinet member for leisure and sport, supported the report, emphasising the growth of women’s football and saying the new plans will help accommodate this growing phenomenon.

“This opportunity for building changing rooms on the Buttrills means we will be able to accommodate lady footballers,” she said.

“Throwing this opportunity away would be very, very foolish.”

However local resident Mike Goode wants the Colcot Centre retained.

He lamented the loss of green space under the proposals at both Buttrills, with a large section of the playing fields there proposed to be replaced by a sports pavilion, boxing gym and two car parks, and at Colcot, where a "pump track" would be built on green space where local people like to walk their dogs.

Barry And District News: The hockey pitch hasn't been used since 2019The hockey pitch hasn't been used since 2019 (Image: Newsquest)

Barry And District News: Local campaigner Mike Goode argued at the meeting the sports centre should be retainedLocal campaigner Mike Goode argued at the meeting the sports centre should be retained (Image: Newsquest)

Mr Knevett did address in detail initial thoughts to refresh the existing building.

He said: “Comments we had back from the council’s property section was it is very unlikely that we would be able to remodel (the Colcot Centre) and meet the requirements for football and other outdoor sports which exist at the time.”

Mr Knevett described this plan as a “short-term solution that would be very unlikely to extract grant funding”.

The council voted against the recommendation being presented to council and in favour of endorsing the cabinet report to build at Buttrills and say bye bye to Colcot.

What do you think? Want to see Colcot Sports Centre retained? Is it an 'unsave-able' eyesore that needs to go? Did you use the Colcot Centre in the past? Will you miss it? Do the new plans excite you? Do they provide better sports provision in the area?

Let us know in comments, on our Facebook page, or email

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