A PAPERBOY raised the alarm and saved a pensioner who was stuck in bed and could have been dead within 24 hours.

The saying goes, not all heroes wear capes. That strap line is most definitely relevant to Barry boy Harley Nixon-Phillips.

Fourteen-year-old Harley, of Whitmore High, has been walking the beat and delivering the people of Barry their papers for a while now and one particular street he delivers to is Jenner Road, however, at the end of February, while out on the round, Harley noticed something strange at one of his customer’s doors – the papers hadn’t been collected.

Harley notified One Stop on Park Crescent, which supplies his papers.

Manager Jackie Wells called the police and when they couldn’t help, Harley and Ms Wells knocked on a neighbour’s doors and eventually got hold of the customer’s brother, who lives in Penarth.

When he came across to Barry, he was said to be shocked at the state he found his sibling in, stuck in his bed, unable to move, and said to be delirious.

Ms Wells explained how events unfolded: “We knocked on the door, there was no answer, the papers were still there, and we keep records if anyone has cancelled, and he was still wanting his papers.

“We knocked on the door of a neighbour, they said they hadn’t seen him in days.

“Eventually we got hold of his daughter. She was quite emotional.

"He was inside in bed with a serious water infection. If it had been 24 hours longer he would have died.”

Barry And District News: Harley, 14, raised the alarm when he noticed papers building on his customer's doorstepHarley, 14, raised the alarm when he noticed papers building on his customer's doorstep (Image: Newsquest)

Barry And District News: Harley and boss Jackie Wells tracked down the victim's familyHarley and boss Jackie Wells tracked down the victim's family (Image: Newsquest)

Harley said he is just pleased his customer is safe.

“I was concerned, but I felt good that I had saved someone’s life,” said Harley. “You never know with people his age.”

The victim’s daughter Amy – who doesn’t want her father named – couldn’t believe what Harley had done for her family.

“That boy deserves a medal,” said Amy. “He has been amazing. If it wasn’t for him, I would not have a dad.”

Barry And District News: Jenner Road, where Harley saved the pensioner's lifeJenner Road, where Harley saved the pensioner's life (Image: Newsquest)

Barry And District News: If Harley hadn't acted his customer could have been dead in 24hoursIf Harley hadn't acted his customer could have been dead in 24hours (Image: Newsquest)

On the patient, Amy confirmed he’s making a recovery at the Heath Hospital.

“He’s on the mend,” said Amy. “It has taken a lot out of him.

“Harley has never let dad down with his papers. We do not care if Harley doesn’t deliver another paper anymore, he saved dad’s life. Harley has no idea what his actions have done.”

Granddad Alan said Harley's a hero, while One Stop manager Ms Wells added: “Harley is a fantastic lad. He’s on it, responsible and he was so concerned.”

Got a story in Barry? Email harry.jamshidian@newsquest.co.uk.