A WOMAN had her head forced into a sink, was strangled, and had a bathroom door kicked on her in two awful nights of domestic violence

On the first night, January 29, Mark Rees, 33, was sitting with his ex-partner on the sofa when they fell asleep.

When they woke at 1am an argument broke out, before drunk Rees forced his partner down on the sofa saying “lucky I don’t smash your head in”.

When the victim was released she ran into the street screaming for help.

Then Rees took her dog saying "you won’t have it back". The victim returned home with the dog and went to sleep before calling Rees later the next day and demanding he take his things from her house.

When Rees came round he grabbed the woman by the neck and started strangling her until she almost lost consciousness.

When he let go his victim ran out into the street calling for help and a member of the public called the police.

Rees was found and arrested and put on police bail not to contact the victim.

He broke this bail.

The second night, on April 22, the woman had been in Barry town centre on a night out and returned home at 1.30am.

Having left the door unlocked, she got up for a drink and heard the door open and Rees call out to her dog.

He then made his way up to her bedroom where he began a torrent of abuse.

He punched his ex-partner to the abdomen and picked up a can of cola and flung it at her, hitting her head.

She ran to the bathroom and locked herself in, using her legs to push the door shut.

This didn’t stop Rees though, who hit the door so hard it came off its hinges and fell on her.

When the victim rang 999 Rees left the property.

Barry And District News: Rees, who kicked a bathroom door on his ex-partner, went down for two yearsRees, who kicked a bathroom door on his ex-partner, went down for two years (Image: South Wales Police)

In mitigation, it was said Rees suffered a series of health problems - however this didn’t wash with Judge Simon Mills while sentencing at Cardiff Crown Court on October 3.

The issue for Judge Mils was Rees’ refusal to admit the appalling crimes.

“You effectively invaded her property when you were drunk,” said Judge Mills. “You threw a coke can at her and said ‘watch this now, see what happens’, but you deny the rest throughout.

“You had a trial at the lower court, she had to give evidence, her account was accepted, yours’ rejected, still to this day you say you did not do anything. What you mean by that is you think she is telling lies.”

Mills, of Williams Crescent, Barry, was found guilty of two counts of strangulation at Cardiff Magistrates Court on July 25, having pleaded not guilty on April 24. He admitted to the criminal damage on that date.

He was given one year in prison for each strangulation offence to run consecutively and one-month concurrent for the criminal damage. In total, he will spend two years behind bars serving half in custody and half on licence.

Judge Mills went on to say: “It was an appalling way to treat another human being, even more so your partner. Your attitude was appalling.”