ONE word in the English lexicon is guaranteed to get people's backs up and that's 'parking'.

A photo sent into the Barry and District shows cars shoehorned in over double yellow lines round Barry's Old Harbour as they fight to get to the beach.

Local resident Janice Hughes says the parking congestion round Old Harbour has gone "beyond a joke" as friends and families cram in to take advantage of ever more popular past times like paddle boarding and wild swimming.

Ms Hughes says the parking has got so bad it could threaten to affect emergency services trying to get to the water when there is trouble.

She reckoned that on the Bank Holiday's this year there were as many as 34 cars parked illegally, while, at the end of August she counted 32 cars parked over the double yellows.

Ms Hughes asked the Vale Council how they can address the problem - something we also asked. We have yet to get a response.

Ms Hughes told the B&D: "There are increasing problems with parking on double yellow lines during high tides at the Old Harbour.

"The popularity of water activities such as paddle boarding, canoeing and wild water swimming has increased over the last couple of years resulting in cars being parked on both sets of yellow lines - hence limiting access for rescue vehicles to attend any emergency on the water.

"On a Bank Holiday there were 34 cars parked illegally and at the end of August we counted 32 cars - with no sight of a parking enforcement officer anywhere!

"Cars parked up on the pavements limit access for people with disabilities, prams and pushchairs."

Barry And District News: Residents are concerned emergency services will not be able to get to the beach because of the parking issuesResidents are concerned emergency services will not be able to get to the beach because of the parking issues (Image: Supplied)

Ms Hughes was furious about the problem saying why can this not be sorted out?

She suggested repurposing old recreational facilities no longer in use to help relieve parking pressures in the town. 

Ms Hughes added:"A solution would be to utilise part of the old swimming pool land to create car parking similar to the overflow carpark at Porthkerry Park, which works well.

"Why is the Vale Council unprepared to address this problem?

"There needs to be regular enforcement of the parking regulations in this area before an emergency arises."

What do you think about the parking facilities provided for people to use the beaches in Barry? And what can be done to make them better? Let us know on our Facebook page and in comments, or email