A VITAL charter that helps identify and support unpaid carers has been launched.

Cardiff and Vale Regional Partnership Board launched the Cardiff and Vale Unpaid Carers Charter at the Temple of Peace, Cardiff.

The Charter recognises and celebrates the vital contribution that unpaid carers make to the people they care for and to our communities as a whole.

It sets out commitments that will ensure that unpaid carers are recognised and partners support the highest quality of life possible for unpaid carers and the people they care for.

The scheme has been adopted by Cardiff Council, the Vale of Glamorgan Council and Cardiff and Vale University Health Board.

Cllr Eddie Williams, cabinet member for social care and Health at Vale of Glamorgan Council (Chair of the Regional Partnership Board) said everyone was working together to provide best support.

“The Charter shows our dedication to work together, in partnership, to develop and deliver the best support available to unpaid carers, and make the best use of shared resources.

“We firmly believe that working together to support unpaid carers is a positive step for the area. This Charter demonstrates our commitment to deliver the best outcomes for unpaid carers and the people they care for and will give us a clear direction of travel for the next five years.

“The Charter introduces eight commitments, which we have developed by listening to what unpaid carers have told us matters most to them.”

Barry And District News:

(From left: Bobbie-Jo Haarhoff, RPB Representative for Unpaid Carers, Mike O’Brien, RPB Representative for Unpaid Carers, Katija Dew: Interim CEO, The Care Collective, Cllr Norma Mackie: Cabinet Member for Social Care and Health, Cardiff Council, Cllr Ashley Lister, Cabinet Member for Children and Families, Cardiff Council, Cath Doman, Director, Health and Social Care Integration, Cardiff and Vale Regional Partnership Board, Cllr Eddie Williams, Cabinet Member for Social Care and Health, Vale of Glamorgan Council (Chair of the Regional Partnership Board), Suzanne Rankin: Chief Executive, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board)

Bobbie-Jo Haarhoff and Mike O’Brien, RPB representatives for unpaid carers, said the charter will help identify people as unpaid carers.

“As Unpaid Carer Representatives on the Regional Partnership Board we were concerned that so many people are unaware they are carers for their loved ones and are not recognised as natural or informal yet legitimate advocates for the people that they care for.

“Around one in 10 people in the region provide unpaid care, but many have told us they did not realise they were unpaid carers until they reached "crisis point". A significant factor being the difficulty in being recognised as an unpaid carer.

“We welcome that the Charter aims to help people identify if they are unpaid carers and will promote recognition of the unpaid carer role and how we can be supported.

“We know that unpaid carers do so much and believe that these clear and timely commitments will help these key organisations to work together to raise awareness of unpaid care and provide people with the support they need to carry on caring in a sustainable way so people never have to reach a crisis before they get some support.”

Find out more about the Charter at Unpaid Carers Charter, here.