WALES is facing further ambulance strikes next month with Unite, one of the UK's leading unions, announcing action today.

Welsh Ambulance workers will be taking additional strike action on Monday, March 6 and Friday, March 10. 

This new action is in addition to three days of strike currently taking place (February 20-22).

Unite and GMB members are both currently striking resulting in the largest day of industrial action across the ambulance service in Wales, as previously both unions had only taken part in strikes on separate dates.

Unite General Secretary, Sharon Graham, said: The Welsh government needs to do the right thing, get round the table and resolve this dispute as matter of urgency. 

"Until that happens the strikes will continue and Unite will continue to support its Welsh Ambulance members to the hilt.”

Unite confirmed 92 per cent of its Welsh Ambulance Service members voted to reject the latest offer from the Welsh Government, with a 70 per cent turnout.

READ MORE: Ambulance workers continue strike with junior doctors set to announce action

Unite Wales Regional Officer, Richard Munn, added: “The Welsh government needs to recognise the strength of feeling among our members. 

"They are angry and determined to get a deal that prevents further pay erosion.

“At the moment there is no end in sight for this dispute, unless a deal can be reached it has the potential to dominate the upcoming Welsh Labour conference in March.”

As has been the case in previous strikes, exemptions will be agreed upon in order to provide urgent life and limb cover.