TRADERS on Barry Island have always complained of their trade and not enough business over the years.

Now with Barry Island on the up and up, why are the are the shutters down so early on the shops!

I can understand that it is a long day on the Island but they could employ part time staff to keep the businesses open, with so many people out of work and most would grab an opportunity to work.

So many people are around late in the evening with the light nights, some businesses stay open and good to see the fairground running. What is wrong with 10pm with these light nights, as Barry Island is a seaside resort and number one in Wales.

After reading the story about the Dolphin and new flats it's got to be exciting news for the resort.

I would like to see illuminations on the front of Barry using solar power as it gets many walkers. Come on Barry make the most of these light nights, as it's only May to September and back to winter but Barry Island is active all the year around.

G Jones

Barry Island