WHOEVER trusts implicitly in the source of all ‘Joy’ are assured of hope and a spiritual blessing. They perceive the invisible, touch the tangible and know the unknowable besides experiencing a peace that can pass all human understanding.

Nehemiah who completed the building of the walls of Jerusalem in 32 days; this, a wonderful achievement and is an excellent success story. He responded to those determined to disrupt his effort by disregarding their severe opposition.

He continually prayed and constantly depended on the joy of the Lord for strength. Contentment springs from within and is attainable in both the stormy periods of life as well as in the sunshine ones.

The word ‘trouble’ that describes troubled waters can also describe agitation of a troubled soul. Jesus told the disciples “Do not let your heart be troubled” which is good advice for today’s generation too.

When someone is in harmony with God’s will and enters into his presence with thanksgiving then internal troubles that harass the soul quickly vanish and the inexpressible joy of Jesus can be experienced. As His ambassadors we are called to convey this by our actions and deeds and spread the Gospel message to a troubled society.

This only possible through an honest and heartfelt heart of compassion and not depending on outward appearances. People are aware that the stars remain in the sky even though they cannot be seen in daylight.

Likewise the presence of Jesus is always with us and His Joy is an eternal treasure that no-one can snatch away. He remains the same in faithfulness in his goodness and in his power.

His predictability helps us to cope with everyday trials. Life cannot be a solo affair but is like a harmonious duet – humans being linked to a divine purpose.

God persists in calling us into partnership with Him in order that his ordained design can be accomplished together. Eventually all will fall into the right perspective as the Limitless One unable to be restricted handles every situation satisfactorily.

Many folk do not know when to bow out of the lime-light and step into the background and fade away. However John the Baptist did as he announced he was to decrease and Jesus to increase.

Our self-pride reminds us that we have ‘feet of clay’ and at any moment could head for a fall. The best standard to obtain is not reached by books, by the media, magazines etc neighbours and friends but by digesting the words of Jesus and emulating his teachings.

It is through a spirit-filled life that character and conduct grow and develop naturally.

“When sadness like sea billows roll, What-ever our lot

You have taught us to say ‘It is well; It is well with our soul”

June Pooley