YET another iconic building in Barry – the Windsor Hotel in Holton Road, has closed to business, after first opening in the 1990’s (B&D News, January 8 “Time called on landmark town pub”).

This follows on from earlier demolition of the “Chain Locker” in Dock View Road, with its magnificent staircase and round stained glass window; the Theatre Royal; Lloyds Bank at the bottom of Thompson Street and so on.

Where is the feeling for Barry’s wonderful pre-1914 history?

Thanks be that at least the former Royal Hotel has at least had its exterior saved, as has the old Market Hall in Broad Street (Wetherspoons) and now the Marine Hotel, Barry Island being redeveloped by Newydd.

I note all may not be lost with “Brains” considering the future for the Windsor. This also affects the boxing clubs which trained there and which have previously relocates from the Admiral House at Cadoxton Station and Romilly School.

Why are we – and the council – so complacent in our town?

Christopher Short
