WHY do the NATO leaders need such a large wall to ‘protect’ themselves? If these world ‘leaders’ really are working on behalf and with their citizens surely they would be amongst us shaking our hands and we would be waving flags pleased to greet them. Why do 150 delegates require 10,000 police officers, some armed with guns to protect them? Why do they need to stop tens of thousands of people from earning a living, crippling our economy still further? Why do they need to stop children gaining their education and why do they need to undermine people’s health by preventing operations being carried out at the Capitals largest hospital? Who is this conference really benefitting and why are we, the people of Wales letting them get away with such a blatant waste of our resources? NATO really does need to take a long hard look at itself. It has moved a long way from its motivations aiming to keep peace after the Second World War. It has now developed a ‘protectionist’ policy supplying and using 70 percent of the world’s weapons. No wonder it has to barricade itself into places. In recent times it has been directly or indirectly responsible for the deaths and displacement of millions of human citizens. Do we need an organisation like this in our beautiful country?

Glyn Pooley


Canonhill Artspace

Canon Street
