EVER since the closure of the Knap Pool I’ve been swimming at Watchtower Bay, a number of years ago the council instead of installing access gates for pedestrians there, similar to the ones at the slipway at Sully beach placed large blocks of concrete and stone on the only flat pathway onto the beach, this pathway was always used by people with children in pushchairs and disabled people for access. The excuse given by the person who was giving instructions to workmen placing these blocks there, was that it was to stop jet ski users from getting onto the beach and launching their craft. Over the last three years I have not seen any jet skiers even attempting to launch their craft at Watchtower Bay, but I have seen and helped a number of disabled to lift their chairs over the slabs and get down onto the beach.

I know that shops have to provide disabled access to their properties but are the council exempt from providing access or disabled to the beach.

Tom Clemett

Church Road

