SO ANOTHER foodbank has opened its doors to feed the ever growing number of people who are struggling.

Whilst you must heap praise on the organisers of these foodbanks, politicians of all parties whether national or local should hang their heads in shame. At a time when billions of pounds is being sent to a corrupt institution called the EU and many more millions is being spent on foreign aid our own people are left to rot.

The demand has now exceeded what existing foodbanks can cope with. Jane Hutt AM said "It will get worse before it gets better" and Alun Cairns stated that "We need to overcome the underlying cause of the need to use these foodbanks". This from our own Vale MP who not so long ago stated that drug addicts, alcoholics and people who could not handle their financial affairs properly were using foodbanks. Alun Cairns in 2012/2013 claimed £67,000 salary and over £40,000 in expenses.

It is also a sad indication of the current time when council employees have been forced to use foodbanks and take days off work as they could not afford to attend. They have been asking the Vale Council to provide a living wage but the response from the Vale leader Neil Moore stated that a recent scrutiny meeting report on this was not supported. These comments come from a man who along with his partner are receiving from the taxpayer a very generous £1,300 per week or £68,000 a year in salaries - perhaps Mr and Mrs Moore would like to give up their lavish lifestyle on the taxpayer for a couple of months and live on the salaries they pay their employees and see how they can survive.

2014 has begun the same as where we left 2013, and it seems that life for the people is about to get a lot worse. We have the most uncaring bunch of politicians in Westminster, Cardiff and the rest of the country.

One must wonder how bad it has to get until politicians start to realise what they are doing to people of this country.

D J Radford

Coleridge Crescent
