SOUTH Wales Central Assembly Member Andrew RT Davies has demanded that the confusion regarding the proposed five-mile lane improvements be resolvd immediately.

Mr Davies has said that with progress on the proposed £25m development seemingly stalled by disagreements over funding between the Welsh Government and the Vale of Glamorgan Council, Vale residents rightly require clarity and answers.

“This has been a continuing issue which needs to be resolved once and for all," he said.

"The proposed £25m rebuild that is currently on the table has serious questions regarding its funding with neither the Welsh Government or Labour-run Vale Council willing to take ultimate responsibility for the development.

“There has been much debate in the local community if this level of investment is required or rather some comprehensive improvements to the existing road.

"However this apparent log-jam between the Vale of Glamorgan Council and the Welsh Government needs to be resolved immediately, both for road users and local landowners as the current impasse is not acceptable.

“Clarity is urgently required and I hope the next steps taken will be in the best interests of Vale residents.”