THERE was standing room only at Palmerston Community Learning Centre as learners and invited guests attended a presentation at the centre.

The event was held to acknowledge the achievements of hundreds of learners who successfully completed courses at adult learning centres across the Vale in 2011-12 and were awarded Agored Cymru learning credits.

Awards were made in a wide range of subjects including Computers & Digital Photography, Counselling, Sign Language, Family History, Pottery & Ceramics and Languages.

Learners packed into the main hall to receive their certificates from Cllr Stuart Egan, Vale Cabinet Member for Lifelong Learning.

Cllr Egan congratulated the learners and tutors for all their hard work and acknowledged the importance of lifelong learning to help people gain valuable knowledge and skills.

He added that so many adults also benefit from the social interaction of learning and the improved confidence and wellbeing that goes with it.

Students and invited guests enjoyed the evening of celebration and several digital photography students took charge of the official photographs, snapping the learners receiving their certificates.

“We are proud of all our learners,” said Debbie Lewis, area adult education officer hosting the event.

“We are aware that a great many of our learners have invested a great deal of their time and effort into their learning alongside family and work commitments, sometimes taking advantage of our creche to enrol on daytime classes.”

Many accredited courses are essential qualifications and skills for the workplace, or useful skills for the family and community groups, such as internet and file management, counselling and computers.

New courses start in January and places are available on a number of courses including Computers for Beginners, Clait & ECDL, Creative Jewellery, Dressmaking and Pottery.

A programme of free Get Back on track courses are also available for anyone on benefits and seeking employment.

For further information pick up a prospectus at centres and libraries or see  or call Palmerston centre 01446 733762.