THE All Saints Church in Wales Primary School’s year five class performed their assembly to the whole school and parents on Friday, October 17.

The pupils wrote the assembly script following their homework research on endangered species. The assembly was based on a Christian Perspective on creation and creativity seen from a Christian perspective all of life is a ‘gift’, entrusted by a loving creator God to humankind for a purpose.

This purpose is glimpsed as the creative spirit within each person as they learn to value and explore, celebrate and enjoy this world in all its mystery and diversity. With this gift comes a mutual responsibility to ensure the creation is not spoiled, but rather sustained and shared by all.

As part of their ‘Values for Life’ topic this term, the pupils of year five have researched endangered species. They have enjoyed writing prayers and poetry on this theme and hope everyone enjoys reading their work.

The assembly was a fantastic success and one enjoyed by everyone who attended. Thank you to all the families who came along to support the occasion.