SOUTH Wales Police is encouraging people to stay safe in the run-up to and over the Christmas and New Year period.

As part of the Don’t Have a Nightmare This Christmas campaign, crime prevention messages will be delivered to local communities on a range of subjects.

The campaign is based around a series of images, which have been produced in the style of film posters. They focus on a range of themes including vehicle crime, burglary, theft of personal belongings, personal safety and alcohol-related violence.

Information will be provided to the public via the South Wales Police website as well as the Twitter and Facebook profiles.

Assistant Chief Constable Julian Kirby of South Wales Police said: “Christmas is a busy time of year and we want to make sure the festive season remains enjoyable.

“The campaign reminds our communities of simple measures they can take to reduce the chance of becoming a victim of crime over the Christmas period, focusing on personal safety, theft of personal belongings, burglary, and alcohol-related violence.

“We will be using social media so our messages reach people at all times of the day, wherever they are.”